Be Reconciled to God

Sometimes I need an excuse to refocus my spiritual life. That's probably why I love the changing of seasons because there is always something to be said about how the earth reflects the inner rhythms of our souls. But what about the times when it's the dead of winter, the middle of February and there is not much change to happen soon? Luckily, we are entering this time of Lent, a time where we are called to be restored to the Lord and to regain an understanding of the depth of our sin and the transience of this life.  A time, (in my mind) that gives me an opportunity to realign my heart.

If you read my last blog, you'll notice it was a wee bit lethargic as I contemplated what it looked like to acknowledge my shortcomings and feel okay with living in a season of unfruitfulness.  I think experiencing that time allowed me to learn much about God's constancy and never-ceasing truth. However, it is the midst of winter and I am ready to reconcile what is broken about me with what is whole, perfect, and satisfying about God.

I have been praying the Holy Spirit would place a word or phrase on my heart that I could prayerfully consider and be intentional about focusing on during this Lenten season. I think during Lent, we often try to do too much, and we are so focused on doing and giving up and we use all of our energy to abstain from whatever it is we have given up, we forget to focus on God, and Christ's sacrifice. So, the word I've been feeling compelled to respond to God with is:
" Be reconciled to God." 
(2 Corinthians 5: 20)
Maggie Hodgson wrote that reconciliation is "coming to a place of peace". It is moving from the place where we are in pain or anger or complacency to where we are willing to work towards change within ourselves.  Reconciliation means committing to being in right relationship with the people in our lives, with ourselves, and with God. We can choose to enter in to reconciliation because we accept the blame for our faults, our failures and our sin but enter in to the grace we are covered in through Christ.  God has already begun reconciling us to himself when he sent our Savior say to us "No sin is big enough for me, I love you. I'm sending my Son to die for you. Return to me." That is crazy powerful.  Reconciliation is orienting our hearts back towards God, and re-devoting our energy towards the relationship he is calling us to. 

With that said, redirecting my energies and soul towards loving God and living in his truth is something I am excited to partake in. I encourage you to reconcile, whatever it is in your life that needs reconciling. Lent gives us a reason to start something new, to refocus. But ultimately, to bring the focus of our lives back to God, to his promises and the work he has already done.  


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